I can hardly believe what you have been through. I am white and an old woman and a TERF and would never treat anyone as you describe. Why? I am so sorry…..

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I’m so sorry to hear this. Whether you decide to take a break permanently or not, I hope you’re able to get to a better place.

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I loved your posts Aja, and your creativity. You’ll be sorely missed. I recently took a break myself because it’s such a toxic platform. It gets to many of us all after a while. Take good care of yourself and stay strong. 🥰

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Stay strong, Aja. I said "Hi" to you last April at LWS in Hyde Park. I don't think it's about your race. The Head Girls phenomenon describes it well. They are superior to you, they know more than you, they are the ones who lead and others can only follow. It's the same in companies: there's an inner circle, and everyone esle is marginalised because of it. Just be yourself and fcuk them. I love your poetry and your vibe. Look after yourself.

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I've always admired your grit and articulate points.

I understand the feeling of being silenced as a working class woman. Your voice is as valid (more valid imo) as any other woman's.

Please don't let another working class voice be thrown to the side.

Step back, re group and come back swinging. We need to be heard, loud and clear.

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Can’t believe any feminist wouldn’t want you at the front and centre of any movement. You’re shining star, Aja, brave, articulate and important.

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I’m so sorry you’re feeling burnt out, bullied, and made to feel stupid. That is not ok in any situation but especially not within the feminist movement and I want to thank you for speaking out about it, because that has raised awareness of a problem ( even if I’m the only one who heard it, but judging by the comments I don’t think I was the only one) I’m not on twitter, but if you are the same woman I think you are, I’ve enjoyed stuff you put out on IG a few years back… my advice, retreat, take stock, heal, and when you’re ready, come back with all guns blazing. Big love to you x

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I have subscribed just in case you decide to publish some of your spoken word. You are very talented.

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You’re missed. I’m beyond gutted that you’ve been made to feel like this. I hope that you’ll keep getting your voice out there through your Substack so we can keep promoting your posts that are amongst the most insightful, genuine, funny and biting on the whole of Twix.

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I’m so sorry for what is happening Keep optimistic We see you and hear you Stay strong

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Sending mega hugs babes. I've no idea how you lasted even this long. Hate that it's happened this way but I am so for you getting time out of this shit show. Your health is YOUR wealth. Mental, physical. All of it. Go and get it back. Life is much nicer not on Twatter that's for sure. Sending massive respect, empathy and care. x

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You are an inspiration to many and should absolutely prioritize your own sanity. Class divisions are a significant issue among the left, and racism too much of a constant everywhere. If you don't do another thing for this movement, you will have done enough, and thank you. If you choose to return, many will be happy, but many more will always be grateful for your courage and service even if you don't. We were lucky to have you for as long as you stood, and thank you: All good wishes for better health.

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Hello! I'm a 63 yr old Canadian terf. I have no acknowledged voice in the community. Keep a low profile because at least locally I have faced aggressive opposition, gaslighting and even slander from feminists. I know the marginalizing tactic you speak of, but from a different angle. They're suspicious of me for so many reasons, from my lack of education (grade 8 - I'm a child trafficking survivor), to poverty, to to the mere fact I'm a loner and an independent thinker. I don't fit into their boxes. They're suspicious and rejecting, not inclusive. They disrespect my sovereignty over myself, are determined to see me as "broken" and in need of "help" that I do not ask for. They are patronizing and condescending. I have experienced it firsthand, and I have also observed while other women's voices are smothered. It's so frustrating to see how brittle and threatened these women are by differing perspectives. Especially the voices of actual survivors. In my case, I know my perspectives are valuable, but they're just not receptive. These women are sadly extremely limited in their mindset, and who they will allow to shine or even speak unchallenged. The gaslighting and the fake solidarity are deeply discouraging. I was involved with Rape Relief & Womens Shelter here in Vancouver. I found out some bad things that were going on, and the harm they were causing some women. Foolishly I attempted to honestly address these matters directly with them. Well, I didn't know what hit me. They made a false report to the police about me. I soon cleared it up but was traumatized by the event. I still support what Rape Relief does but being on the receiving end of their dirty tactics was a hard and disillusioning lesson. Many women in the movement have a huge ego stake in their involvement. While they profess to care about women, what they really mean is that they care about their position of authority within their clique. They have no scruples about smearing a woman in order to cover up their own missteps. The lack of honesty and honor toward other women is unsettling. I've been aware of your voice for a while, and I respect and admire you. To me, you are a shining star! I hope you're going to be able to pick yourself up from this, and continue to share your valuable perspective as a fierce independent. Thank you for speaking! Thank you for sharing your strength! What you have to say matters. Thank you for shining a light on this internal problem within our movement. They are very good at silencing and discrediting us, but it is ultimately to the detriment of the whole movement. Indeed, I think this is a good part of the reason why we have made such pitifully little progress. Are we not women? ♀️💗

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Racism is embedded in their psyche. It has been so much a part of who they are, that they can't recognize it.

I had similar experience on Ovarit. They were intimidated by my intelligence, intellectual curiosity, confidence and that I would call out their racist BS.

It is still the same old shit: we gather together as a collective/coalition in the service of the Liberation of all Female born people. Somehow taking down the White Supremacist Patriarchy will have a trickle down effect for BIPOC women; even though we also deal with our own communities Patriarchs.

They will never be able to wrap their heads around the reality of Structural Institutional Racism. How they're bloodlines created it. Or how they have generationally benefited from it. That they inadvertently feed it to maintain a certain amount of power and control. When they do want to talk about Black women it's about Black Pathology.

You have to reconcile with "it is what it is" and navigate through the BS to get the information you might need immediately and in the future. Every once in a while you can find resources.

Generation Z PC enforcers, judgemental and hyper vigilant. But they don't know how to truly make real change. A lot of Self Righteous Outrage and protest. Navel gazing and the policing of each other.

I think we will have to wait for for Generation Alpha.

Think of this as a mental health vacation. Recharge your batteries. Create your own path and bring like minded people of all varieties into your friendship circle and network.

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So sorry Aja. The world needs more people like you

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Technical point here : it’s actually Soc Fems if you mean socialist feminists not Sock Fems as that would mean something else, okay ?

Okay but carry on back to the drama.

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