Hey peeps, hope your good. Right I absolutely hate hate hate to have to be writing something like this because it is absolutely not me, I do not talk about my feelings, I do not show my weakness, I don't do sympathy farming,
I do not air my dirty laundry in public but enough is enough I need a break and I wanna explain why.
I'm tired, I'm stressed, my mental health is suffering and I've been this way for to many month now.
They are various reasons for me feeling like this (I am a human like everyone else after all).
However a major part of my distress lately has been caused by factors within the Terf movement itself (and I don't mean from TRAs although years of facing them have taken its toll). I mean "friendly fire" and hurts the worst.
I am just an ordinary woman who gets up and on the bus before the crack of dawn to go & bust my arse at my minimum wage job, come home to my council house flat that I am being priced out of, eat the dinner that got from the food bank because I can't afford the supermarket, log on to tweet read some death threats, log off go to bed and start again and then I add in terfing when/wherever I can.
I'm not a Leader of a group I'm not somebody who has influenced with politicians or the media. They would never speak to somebody like me. I'm not in this to make a career for myself. I wasn't in this to make a name for myself either but It kinda just happened even tho I am actually quite an introvert. So this whole thing has been wild for me but I have tried by best to do what I can for the movement.
I am the exact type of woman they claim to want to help so I don't understand why these women have always wanted to destroy me
Still, over the last month I have been deciding whether or not to take a step back to recover myself before I reck myself, as the saying goes.
Well today that decision has been made for me and its due to a certain group of women (who I will name as I'm not a vague poster) who have had it in for me since pretty much day one of me joing the terf movement.
For years they have attacked me over various platforms, spread rumours, called me all sorts of names and flug accusation my way.. the worst I have done to them was have a mind of my own (oh and call them Socfems, yeah sue me).
I've had them blocked for years and do not engage yet still that is not enough for them to leave me alone.
I believe they have a personal vendetta against me for various reasons but I think mostly they do not like that I'm a brown working class woman disagreeing with them. Sadly this is a phenomena I have witnessed may times, it is a sad fact of life and of those who claim to be virtuous.
How dare I have a different opinion, how dare I have my own mind and experiences that shape my views, how dare I think I know more than my white saviours. As I said this is what they have made me feel over years & years, pretty much since day one.
You may think this is all in my head. However they have been several incidents over the years that have either happened directly to me or I've been there to witness it first hand.
When I have tried to give my point a view on these incidents these women have called me all sorts of names, told me I'm a liar and that I don't know want I'm talking about even though none of them were there to see it themselves they still know better that me because I'm just a stupid working class brown woman who's words cannot and should not be trusted or listen to.
This has been going on for years and my my back was already strained, the final straw was just placed on it by these women.
Congratulations ladies you've achieved your objective, you've run me down and out. My face is gone, my mouth is silent. You can go can to sleep happy in this knowledge.
My final message is to any black or brown women who are thinking about joining the movement. Make sure your views aline perfectly with these particular white woman otherwise they will bully you out of it because these woman want a house slave nothing more. Remember tho, a house slave is still a slave.
I think I speak for everyone on Twitter when I say you will be missed.
Thanks for letting us know and I’m sorry this happened.
Lots of people love, admire and respect you darl. We will all miss your twitter voice. I’m proud to know you and hope you’re ok. Peaky x