I'm somewhat in agreement directionally with this post. But it does seem slightly overwrought to compare the current situation with the homophobia of the past. For one thing, much of this is merely cultural change. It's neutral. My inclination is that unnecessary masctomies aren't super common, but when they occur, they are far more common than ones that actively cause harm. Maybe not something you like personally, but hardly a great harm. And the aspects that *are* harms are mostly self-inflicted, which is morally quite different from the harms of the past.

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I sometimes question if my hetero friends who support trans have secretly been homophobic all along and just don’t know, or want to admit it since they were scared of looking religious.

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Beautifully written.

I don’t understand why “only Lesbians.”

Gay boys at roughly the same trans level as before, I can’t understudand in my mind why Lesbians feel the need en mass to hack at themselves. Ellen was pivotal, as you point out.

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If you look at gay male spaces, there is obvious rejection of trans identified females, without the same level of pushback that lesbians rejecting trans identified males received. Straight women who want to be gay men still are female socialized, and tend to be less aggressive, and with less support than their male counterparts. Still a problem, of course, but there shouldn't me an issue with a lesbian talking on her experiences. A gay man would be better suited for an in depth discussion of the impact of trans ideology on gay male spaces.

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I tend to look at what’s sold in porn to measure fantasy life. I will look again for trans males with females but visual lesbian porn would seem to have virtually nothing last time I looked. By contrast there’s at least one or two trans women in gay male porn.

Written porn is easier to scan. I also don’t see trans men fantasizing sex with lesbians there in the past. The generic trans male fantasy is being forced into trans (possibly at a young age, by mom and doctors), or being caught in clothes, or being forced into trans by a wife, or an aggressive man.

The thing which is off for me is why a man with a penis wants to have sex with a Lesbian rather than a straight woman, however it’s a level of what I call trans confabulation at around a 3.

Trans Delusional Typology

Level 1: self-delusion

Level 2: sex deception

Level 3: assisted deception

Level 4: social system sex delusion

Level 5: multi system sex delusion

Level 6: coerced sex delusion

Level 7: thought-enforced deception


Level 1: man believes/says he has menses

Level 2: man with wig and makeup

Level 3: man with Dr, hormones and surgery

Level 4: Scientific American sex pseudoscience

Level 5: APA, IOC & WPATH sex pseudoscience

Level 6: Legal enforcement of sex delusions

Level 7: Pronoun enforced sex delusion

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Fascinating article, thank you. First of its kind for me. The “ / “ between B & T is strong imagery that synthesizes and crystallizes your excellent points. To me, it divides the natural from the unnatural, truth from fiction, and sometimes good from evil. I have written several poems on the subject that I don’t dare publish. I admire people who have the strength to state their mind without succumbing to the stupidity of the masses - of consensus. The trick for me is not to overrate the human being’s capacity for rational thought.

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'For penis in vagina sex' what the actual fuckity fuck man...

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Thank you Aja. 🙌🙌🙌

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Aja, I have been following you for a few years on twitter. Thank you for your courage and for never backing down.

It's horrible that lesbians are being erased by the trans movement.

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Nice one Aja 👍🏼 I will do whatever I can. Have you thought about getting in touch with the Lesbian Project (Julie Bindel and Kathleen Stock) and asking to go on their podcast? 💚🤍💜

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"I want them to take notice of this modern-day homophobia affecting us. I want them to start speaking up and help us reclaim the spaces we created. I want them to assist us in building a supportive environment for future generations of lesbians, both in activism and beyond the confusion of gender ideology."

Well, I could certainly make this a point in my music if you like.

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I hear you and will continue to spread the word.

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