The media smeared him as a racist for years when all he was doing was sounding the alarm. I went to a college in his hometown nearly 25 yrs ago and we had a police visit to tell us that white women shouldn’t go down various streets. It’s worse since then.

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Thank you for writing this. It's excellent.

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I'm not 'condemning' anyone.

I watched the 'documentary' - told me all I needed to know.

What is clear is that anyone who doesn't support Robinson will be condemned.

There is no tolerance for not being intolerant.

Not only was a campaign of vilification against 'socdems' launched, but now we're condemned if we won't pick sides in a personal vendetta.

I'll focus on resisting gender ideology. I have no interest in these silly ego driven games.

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We also have two-tier sentencing. Prison time for racially abusing a footballer, but suspended sentences for men (pretending to be women) hoarding thousands of pictures of child sexual abuse.

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Here’s what I don’t get, why pull out of a conference on the harm of gender ideology on the basis of your objection to a woman for doing the same thing you did - attend a public protest with Ireland’s equivalent of Tommy Robinson.

It makes no sense at all.

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Great article, and its a HUGE problem. We see the same in Canada, though to maybe a lesser degree. But the police enforcing the law selectively is a major issue of our times.

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Are ya having a laugh?

Did you not watch the documentary?

Google him.

Any evidence that police reform is best achieved by aligning with a racist thug?

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Can you post a time stamp of where the racist thuggery is in the documentary?

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It seemed pretty obvious to me from the get go: he has a problem with Muslims.

The entire ‘documentary’ was terrible, in my view, a propaganda exercise.

It was very bad at making a case around ‘two tier policing’, but big on Tommy as martyr, and Islam as evil, with the suggestion of a Big Conspiracy.

Never mind, I’m sure Farage will sort it all out when he wins.

But I suppose I’ll be told he isn’t racist or right wing either. 🤷‍♀️

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20Plus years ago a safety talk at a college in Luton apparently included telling white women not to go down various streets in Luton. I didn’t attend but was told about it by other female college students. Why if there wasn’t a problem even back then? Tommy may have a problem with radical Islam but we ALL should. I don’t think he has a problem with individual Muslims. Did you know that in Britain in the last year a man was let off for beating his teenage daughter with an iron rod. He thought that was ok because of his religion. His teenage daughter has been badly let down by those in charge and the indication here is she will now suffer a lifetime of abuse simply because she is female. This should NEVER be happening in 🇬🇧 .

If you don’t acknowledge the problem of radical Islam you can’t sort it out in the UK.

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Reclaim the Night was a response to the Yorkshire Ripper and women being told by the police to stay home. It started in Leeds, not Luton. Learn some history. Attend the lecture, don’t repeat half truths.

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only Muslim women suffer abuse, you’re as bad as the father beating his daughter with an iron rod - which is already illegal, FYI.

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Well, just one specific example of his racist thuggery should be easy? The pedophiles and rapists in the Muslim community and the police force knew all they had to do to dirty up the reputation of the man exposing them was accuse him of being a racist. I think the disgusting abuse of the word "racist" is coming up for expiration.

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Agree. I'm watching the interview Robinson just did with Jordan Peterson. I'm in the US and knew nothing about him. It's very interesting. He does not come across as racist in the least. He describes how he grew up with Muslims and other immigrants in a diverse city (Luton? not sure of spelling). He was friends with a variety of people. He therefore knows from "lived experience" what's going on. It also was very interesting hearing about the government psy-op -- my word -- which first activated him. The government ruined the life of a white British teenage boy by lying about an incident involving him and a Syrian refugee, in order to paint the teenager as racist. When Robsinson exposed the truth the full force of the state was on him. I wish the women who think Robinson is evil incarnate would watch the Jordan Peterson interview but I know they won't.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

In Robinson's work of exposing these brutal child rapists he works alongside Muslim parents as some of the victims were Muslim girls. He did a series of documentaries called, "The Rape of Britain", I think still available on Youtube and other places, and you see the gratitude of Muslim parents to him because he is nearly the only person brave enough to take on these evil predators. The docs are eye-opening because he exposes by name several corrupt English cops who were complicit in enabling these rape gangs. All these white, GC women thinking they are getting points by vilifying a man with real courage fighting brutal rapists is heartbreaking. And these same women going after Aja The Empress for having the critical thinking skills to go by facts rather than character assassination and attending some of his events.

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Of course he doesn’t. He’s not fucking stupid. Unlike you.

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How can you be racist against a religion?

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Easy peasy, ask the Nazis, that's what they did to Jews.

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Or hey, look at how Northern Ireland was run, with systematic discrimination against Catholics. It's not exactly novel.

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Strange how Tommy Robinson is seen as public enemy number one for exposing the Muslim rape gangs yet the police and the social workers who turned the other way and ignored what was going on get off scot free.....

Islam is a religion not a race and people need to wake up to the harms involved.

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Tommy Robinson didn’t expose the sexual abuse scandals: he weaponised them for his own ends. He’s a cut price Dominic Cummings.

Tommy Robinson had nothing at all to do with bringing those issues to public attention. He simply used them for his own purposes.

Your comment re Islam is bizarre.

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Impossible to square what you're saying with this hour, 44 minute interview that just came out in the past couple days. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnhwBoFxaDI

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So what?

If you think I’m spending two hours listening to those two wank each other off, you’re even more detached from reality than I’d thought.

OF COURSE they love each other: they’re playing the same game.

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Why not spend the time looking for more evidence of racism? You know, to add to your list of quotes / film of him being racist. I’m prepared to believe he may have been racist in his youth. But he’s now 42 and where are the quotes?

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What would be the point of that?

You’ll just say it’s not racism.

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Ture though, Islam is a religion, not a race.

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Apparently there’s a significance among some about pointing out Islam is a religion. It’s lost on me.

Yes, it’s a religion, like Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism etc.

What’s the point?

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Most people observing the left calling people racist realise that a great deal is lost on them and leave you to it.

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I see. You don’t have a point.

Should racists not be called racists anymore?

Does that have something to do with Islam being a religion (we all know it’s a religion)?

On what planet doors one have to be living to think Tommy Robinson is concerned about anyone other than Tommy Robinson? Did you not watch the documentary?

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Superb article! I admire your courage and gumption, along with all others standing up for the rights of women and children against the odds. The police are fucking cowardly and sickening!

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So proud of you! I admire your courage and resolve. And stand by you Sister from here in SC USA.

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Well I watched the ‘documentary’. It’s hyperbolic propaganda.

I’m quite shocked by your naivety.

Matt Walsh knows what a woman is, I’m still not gonna march with him. Characterising going on a Tommy Robinson march as a stroll around your city as a private citizen is deeply disingenuous.

The notion that one needs to align with a racist to reform policing is frankly ridiculous.

Harry would want to cop himself on too.

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Any evidence for his alleged racism?

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Just before I put some evidence together for you, can you clarify what evidence you’d accept?

I’m conscious that there may be scepticism about e.g. certain institutions, so clarification would save some time. Ta.

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If you've got evidence then let us know what it is. I've heard people call him racist but I haven't seen or read any evidence of it.

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I'm almost done watching the recent interview he did with Jordan Peterson. First, it's fascinating - I'm an American and didn't know much about him - and second, he talks almost nonstop for an hour 44 minutes and doesn't seem the least racist. Seems to know what he's talking about.

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Well then, Google is your friend.

The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.

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I've looked and only heard and seen criticism and accusations but no evidence. I won't condemn someone on hearsay.

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I’m afraid the TRAs have trained me well. I know conspiracists dismiss whatever evidence is provided - hence why I asked you to clarify what you’d accept.

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He is a bad man and of course men being bad has to be a woman's fault, Aja

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Two tier policing is very evident here in scottishland , as pointed out by Williams piece the other day

Actually it’s three tier

1, Richer than god , say what you like , polis won’t come after you

2, Say anything against the tra Fannie’s and off to the pokey you shall go ( even if you used to believe the madness )

3, be a victim of a real crime , tough fucking shit , get on with it

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Are you really so stupid? Whine whine whine. Aja I actually thought you were about 22 the way you have been behaving .Oh sorry .This isn't another terf telling you come back Aja and Lippy we miss you. So you hate the soc fems because you imagine they bitch about you. Yeah like these women with careers are interested in bitching about you. Posie has really did a number on you . Maybe instead of blaming them for how crap you imagine your life to be , blame them. And Posie and co don't seem to be good friends .Total users. Is she taking any flak for this at all? No of course not. Did she make you feel special? As for Tommy Robinson? Are you really so stupid you have to ask why people are annoyed about you attending that event? Look at France just now and you might just get your wish that Tommy and his little friends the Far Rightmay get in power soon...

Sent with good will,

a working class feminist who is older and wiser

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🤣 I'm glad you got that off your chest I hope it made you feel better

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Aja is far from stupid. I know quite a few people from across the political spectrum who attended the rally and to be quite honest, its nobody else's business. Has she disappointed you so much that you feel the need to jump on here and wag your finger at her? One thing in particular I have noticed since that day is that there are women who describe themselves as feminists, usually from 'the left', who seem to think they are some kind of saviour, behaving like missionaries sent from the left to save us from ourselves and correct our wrong-thinking. Please don't do that; its patronising and offensive. And I would suggest you open your eyes and engage critical thinking because in your rush to label everyone to the right of Keir Starmer as 'far-right' you're missing something both interesting and important happening in politics and I fear you're in for a major shock on July 5th. This is an election about freedom vs authoritarianism and it sounds like you're firmly standing with those who would restrict our personal freedom. Perhaps the penny hasn't dropped yet.

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“Sent with good will”

Does “good will” have another meaning here, because all the words you wrote before that are giving another impression?

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You seem nice.

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Ita cool i'm stupid, and I'm brainwashed by white woman, but they sent it in good will so all is fine.

I love that dont seem to realise that screenshots get leaked for the little socfem bitch chats all the time. If only everyone I'm the movement could see what the socfems say behind their back.

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Stop calling everyone who disagreees with you right wing before you make it cool to be right wing again

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Exactly. “Oh, no. Far Right!” *shudders* It’s an overplayed accusation that’s rings as hollow as “twansphobic.”

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Thank you for all you do, Aja.

Two tier policing is a huge threat to women and men. Of course you should be there.

It’s also obvious that concern for your country is now seen as extremist behaviour. When you fly your Jamaican flag, there’s no issue, it’s pride and representative of you.

But a brown woman flying a Union Jack? Unacceptable. Even if she was born here, her mother is British too and of course you reside here.

The pressure to hate one’s country will only harm the citizens of said country and I’m proud that you were there to challenge the police and force them to see a brown woman concerned about her country.

I’m sorry about all of the hate these so called feminists have concocted. Liberal feminists will only support and applaud those who think and rally their ideas, one foot out of line and you’re a fascist?

They don’t know the meaning of the word!

If we stay in our comfort zones, we’re no better than the men in dresses with their echo chambers applauding their every sick move.

We need to mingle with those we don’t necessarily agree with politically. Otherwise, we remain ignorantly ill informed and are forced to rely on mainstream media with their agendas to feed us THEIR narratives.

Again, thank you for pushing boundaries and demanding change.


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Excellent comment, couldn't agree more! There were a few black people on that march and they received no pushback from anyone else. It isn't the 80's anymore; times have changed, left and right wing have changed accordingly.

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Jun 10Liked by Aja The Empress

An excellent piece. I think that all political parties and movements are uncomfortable about 'how to manage the working class'. The working class are a mob to be tamed , fired up , used as a weapon to direct where the educated want. I have certainly seen this in the Green Party. They constantly bang on about diversity and yet when the leaders of the Young Greens were asked what they had done to attract young members who had not gone to University, they looked absolutely stumped, as if it had not occurred to them that such a group existed.

I have heard nice Greens discussing where to canvas, who have visibly shuddered at the thought of coming to the area where I live. The assumption was that 'those type of people wont vote for us so it is a waste of time trying'.

I don't think these attitudes are unique to the Green Party. Even the Labour party is contemptuous of the working class, and what really galls me is the notion that ordinary people who have what would be classed as 'mundane' jobs are now looked down upon as failures for not being ambitious enough to strive to 'better themselves'. As if it is not enough to just look after you family and live an ordinary life.

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Good piece, but you really don't need to explain or justify yourself or your actions.

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