“They are both based on things I can't change“ and why should you want to?

Excellent article. Well said.

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While I do sympathize with the writer of this letter I also find the notion of "homosexual needs" a concept that has clearly led to the assertion of "transgender needs," which now threaten to cancel the former. There are surely basic human needs, children's needs, the needs of the elderly, those of women--all groups that have and in many cases continue to be abused, exploited, repressed, forsaken, as a category or class. The majority of men, as members of the working class, may surely also be said to fit under this category. No one can help be any of the latter things, and it may well be the case that no one can help being homosexual, especially without subjecting themselves to sorts of analysis that might well prove to be too onerous and unreliable. However, sexuality is subject to change in a way that is categorically distinct from the earlier mentioned examples. Indeed, the other categories are also subject and indeed the very proof of change (no one remains a child if they live long enough, no one is born aged), but sexuality is the only one where the subconscious plays a primordial part. And so when certain forms of sexuality are defined as a protected class, what in reality is being defined as such is a particular type of psychological state and very likely a particular type of subconscious state that may very well remain poorly understood by science itself. So the ground, unlike in the case of the other examples cited, is primarily the psychological and thereby necessarily the subconscious. It coincides that this precisely the area where state and corporate power most sophisticatedly operates and protection afforded by the state in recent decades over sexual minoritarian categories simultaneously represents the focusing of the state in ever more sophisticated ways in the subconscious states of its population. Moreover in the case of transgender persons the state, especially in Anglophone countries, is quite evidently not only affording protections to sexual categories it had previously outlawed, as was the case with homosexuals, it in fact appears to be promoting transgender identity, which is to say a gamut of subconscious psychological states that in many cases appear to inevitably clash with heterosexuality and even homosexuality (which is much more materialist--and hence naturally Marxist--in its concept formation, than transgender identity, which seems tailor made for a brave new world of virtual reality capitalism). Is the state simply unaware of what it is doing in the present case, or is the state promoting certain subconscious states for reasons that it assesses stand to benefit the current neoliberal oligarchic order? One must recall that even more than homosexuality, transgender identity is predicated on disconnection from the natural material order of things and from historical memory, it is therefore the subconscious state best in synch with a future Western economic order where augmented reality and virtual reality will in combination have monopolized our senses and hence our minds.

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Good on ya‼️🍀🍀🍀💕 Thank you for the report. ✊🏾✊🏻✊🏼

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Great letter! Thanks for all your good work and bravery - and your songs and poems, which I've seen on Twitter. Sending best wishes and admiration from from the USA.

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100%. The internet is a really scary place for young homosexuals (such as myself), to exist freely and with truth. If I say anything against the gender ideology, I am immediately "fake gay", or "a f*cking TERF". I'm so happy that there are others like me out there. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for standing tall. So glad you have joined with all the other brave women who speak up so bravely . We with smaller voices are still here, posting stickers, talking to people while walking the dog or standing at the school gate, informing others of the dangers of trans extremists. We are here and proud to stand with you Thank you

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A very well composed and powerful piece Aja. I struggle to see the difference and reckon a lot of people, decent people, will feel the same way. Thank you for speaking out.

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100% support you, Aja Dinosaurus!! They don't give 2 hoots about other protected characteristics. Yeh, let's paint zebra crossings in the trans flag colours, who gives a shit for anyone with a Guide Dog.

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Excellent letter. The ridiculous homophobia that is now rampant in the current ideology is horrifying, and I'm sorry you had to experience that hatred coming at you again.

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Brilliant letter. It should be forwarded to every MP at Westminster.

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Well said. A good, strong and passionate repose. Thing need to change for you and others, and very soon.

SW have so much to answer for. A formerly noble and admirable organisation, now turned into a bloated, stumbling, dangerously misguided, ideological behemoth, now enemies of many of those for whom they were founded to represent, and to protect in life and law.

Their insidious tendrils of political and social division must be cut off at the body as soon as possible, before it is too late.

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Amazing, very well written. Hope you get a positive respons

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Fantastic letter. The reflection on the visceral hatred you received in the past and again now was chilling. I could feel it. It is such a telling point.

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Amazing! I do hope you get a positive reply

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Brilliant 👏 👏

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